This summer, Foreverfamily will kick off its 26th year with the 30 Days of Back2Skool campaign from July 1st – August 1st, 2013. The purpose of the 30 Days of Back2Skool campaign is to support Foreverfamily’s After-School Program (ASP), which provides a safe space, educational enrichment, and healthy snacks ALL school year long to children with incarcerated parents.
The goal is to raise $3,600 (which equates to $300 a month) in order to fund field trips, arts & crafts supplies, and other supports necessary to serve Foreverfamily children throughout the year. Your donation of $25, which is roughly the cost of a single meal at most Atlanta restaurants, will provide at least two children with an enrichment experience that will have a significantly longer lasting effect than any meal!
To make a donation to the 30 Days of Back2Skool campaign, visit our website at or send your donations to 387 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite A, Atlanta, GA 30310. When making a donation, be sure to write “Back2Skool” in the comment section of the donation page or on the check directly. All participants will receive a button from Foreverfamily to acknowledge (or in appreciation for) their contributions.
Foreverfamily is a national non-profit organization that assists the children of inmate children and other family members in maintaining those critically important family ties that can become strained during a parent’s incarceration. Foreverfamily works to ensure that all children have the opportunity to be surrounded by the love of family. Foreverfamily is headquartered in Atlanta with affiliate offices in Atlanta and Louisville, KY.
Foreverfamily National Headquarters
387 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd., 2nd Floor, Suite A, Atlanta, GA 30310.
(o) 404-223-1200. (f) 404-223-1010.