Foreverfamily-Atlanta: Supporting Children and Families Affected by Parental Incarceration
Foreverfamily is a non-profit supporting and advocating for children of incarcerated parents with family-centered services. We create opportunities for kids to achieve their potential.
“Forever Young”, an art piece of the Southwest Airlines Art and Social Engagement Project*, is being displayed in a collaborative visual arts exhibition titled “Neighbors”. This playful but bold and…
30 Days of Back2Skool 2014: Foreverfamily’s Village Foreverfamily’s 4th Annual 30 Days of Back2Skool campaign is an opportunity for individuals to work together to raise $10,000 from July 1st – August 1st, 2014 to…
30 Days of Back2Skool 2014: Foreverfamily’s Village Foreverfamily’s 4th Annual 30 Days of Back2Skool campaign is an opportunity for individuals to work together to raise $10,000 from July 1st – August 1st, 2014 to…
Foreverfamily, a 26 year old nonprofit that supports children with a mother and/or father in prison and supports them, their parents, caregivers and extended family member as they work to…
On Saturday June 12th, 2010, Foreverfamily will co-sponsor the Community Health Fair: “Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Healthy Families” The Community Health Fair will be held at Ashley College Town 387 Joseph…
The year 2009 proved to be a challenging year for non-profit organizations, and Foreverfamily (formerly AIM) is no exception. Foreverfamily, like other nonprofits, is facing an unprecedented decline in philanthropic…